Sunday, May 11, 2008

A View Well Worth the Hike

About two and half miles in we were wandering if this Panorama Point would be worth the tough hike. (The challenging part we knew lie ahead when Sean would want to be carried... the last half mile was a steep incline) The hike was mostly through the forest, down one mountain and up the next. I probably told Sean a dozen times, just a little bit farther, we're almost to the top where you can have your snack. Well the top finally came, and it was well worth the work! An exceptionally wide and clear view of the Continental Divide from two well placed nice wooden decks (that Sean proceeded to run around until we began the descent... at which point of course he was ready to be carried!) We had the zoom lens on the camera so even though a picture can't do it justice, this one doesn't even come close because you can only see three peaks. We did end up carrying Sean the last half mile... up hill... but it was worth it, and I'm sure we'll do it again!

Monday, May 5, 2008

An Almost Hike

We set off for a trail outside of Boulder yesterday. It turns out that we parked in overflow parking of sorts  (a mile or so from the trail head). The kids were ready to turn back when we reached the actual trail, which I'm sure does require overflow parking at times as it was a beautiful site! The trail it self is actually over 7.5 miles long... I guess we'll have to come back and do that one without the kids (or with overambitious attitudes ready to carry them 1/3 of the way or more). It was fun anyway and Sean got a chance to wear his new Camelpack and share it with his friends.